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Obligation to Register Your Rental Property With The Local Mairie

Sunday, 1 October, 2017

LOI n° 2009-888 du 22 Juillet 2009 de Développement et de Modernisation des Services Touristiques: Obligation to Register Your Rental Property With The Local Mairie

Following implementation of article 24 of the Loi de développement et de modernisation des services touristiques, which overall is aimed at improving tourism in France, new regulations under Section L324-1-1 of the updated Code du Tourisme have come into force affecting owners of French holiday rental property.

This requires that individuals who rent out furnished properties either permanently or seasonally and offer accommodation by the night, week or month to non French resident tourists (this therefore includes British holidaymakers) are required to complete form number 14004*01 (Declaration en Mairie des Meubles de Tourisme).

The two page form needs to be completed and sent to the local Mairie in the commune where the rental property is located.

The deadline was the 1st July 2010 and failure to complete and submit the form can lead to fines of up to 450 Euros.

If you are renting a property in France we strongly recommend that this form is completed and sent to your local Mairie as soon as possible. 
